Yesterday the Government announced the allocation of £263 million in funding to local authorities designed to support them to deliver services to tackle homelessness. This is an increase in overall funding for homelessness of £23 million on the previous financial year.
This funding is made up of two funding streams, the £200m Flexible Homelessness Support Grant and the new £63m Homelessness Reduction Grant. The Homelessness Reduction Grant provides an uplift on the new burdens funding provided to implement the Homelessness Reduction Act and will enable local authorities to do more to prevent and relieve homelessness in their areas.
Chris said: "I am delighted that over £500,000 of this funding will come to Rochdale Borough Council to benefit and help deliver projects in our area. I am especially pleased that this funding is being provided upfront and can be used flexibly as part of councils’ resourcing to achieve their homelessness strategies."
"Many of you mentioned homelessness and rough sleeping to me on the doorstep and asked what more can be done to support those who find themselves in this terrible situation. I'll be writing to the Housing Minister to welcome this money and to stress the importance of the fund as a part of our ongoing commitment to those who need our help."
"As Rochdale Council contracts their homelessness provision to Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) I am keen to start a conversation with them to ensure that this additional government funding is being used to make the best possible inroads into tackling the root problems that cause people to face the terrible circumstances of homelessness in our area."